Body Based Biz Bundle

A portal where your body and your business are not separate


Your body is the artistry

Your heart is the ceremony

Your voice is the vessel

Your truth is the frequency

Your divinity is the essence


Your mind can only take you so far in your leadership & business, your body is your breakthrough

Dylan Smith


Camera Settings

Learn all about shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.

Flash Photography

Learn how to use flash to get trendy high-contrast photos.

35mm Film

Learn how to get crisp images using cameras from the 60s.

Imagine If...

-you had an arsenal of practices to support you through the peaks, valleys, and plateaus of entrepreneurship

-you felt confident in alchemizing your emotions so that instead of your feelings ruling you, they fueled you

-you trusted the divine truth that beats in your heart and your ability to channel your creativity with clarity

-you had the practices to treat your offerings as a ceremony and felt excited to launch them with conviction

-you honored the sacred cycles & holy rhythms of your feminine business and felt held through the regenerative seasons of death & re-birth


Your body is the technology


The body based biz bundle is for the feminine leader & entrepreneur who is devoted to trusting her body as her sacred guide. This is for the woman who is here to ground and shake the Earth she walks on. Who desires to honor her divine descension as the pathway to her embodied ascension. The feminine who yearns to make love to her contraction because she knows it midwifes her expansion. The woman who is committed to feeling it all, because as she feels it all she expands her capacity to hold it all and as she can hold it all she opens herself to having it all. This is for the leader who is fiercely devoted to being in co-creation with God, Mother Earth, and humanity.


What's Inside:

9 guided embodiment practices (20-30 minutes each) to meet your business as a ceremony and to descend from your mind to land into your heart

Divine Union:

Moving from Chaos to Clarity through the integration of feminine/masculine energetics

Dance of Desire:

The heart of your holy feminine yearning and holding your longings

Embody your Muse:

Channeling your muse consciousness to cultivate clarity in your messaging

Make Love to the Contraction:

The art of polarity and holding divine duality to midwife your expansion

Offerings Ceremony:

Anchoring the frequency and essence of your sacred offerings/programs

Emboldened Expression:

Activating the song of your revolution to serve our collective evolution

Holy Reverence:

Dancing with death to labor a radiant re-birth

Purposeful Prosperity:

Exploring money in the body and expanding your capacity to receive more

Sacred Surrender:

Allowing the feminine to be held by God/sacred masculine

Hi love, I'm Nina.

I've used movement as medicine my entire life. My journey led me to classically train in dance from age 3-22, blend the science & energetics of the body as an Occupational Therapist, and study and teach yoga for over a decade. My relationship with my body has evolved from being a place of discipline to becoming a holy temple of devotion. I treat my business as a ceremony, I trust my body as the technology, and I divinely dance through the peaks, valleys, and plateaus of feminine entrepreneurship. It has been my deepest desire to put together the potent practices I use for myself and share with my clients to navigate the realms of life, business, & leadership with confidence, grace, and unshakeable faith. I am devoted to the descension from the mind to land into the remembrance of the heart. This is my sacred gift to you, together we rise.

Client Testimonies

Alissa, Artist

"Nina supported me in unlocking my potential as a woman and helped me to see the possibilities that my divine feminine could lead me to. I learned how to listen, to trust, and love my body. The embodiment practices we explored together supported me in moving from a place of grief and fear to abundance and love."

Laura, Occupational Therapist

"Nina has a gift of not only reading your body and what it needs energetically, but teaching you to trust yourself in doing this too. Through her embodiment guidance, I’ve learned to identify and fully lean into my discomfort, insecurities, and fears as a means to rise in my joy, creativity, and femininity."

Alli, Yoga Teacher

"My experience working with Nina was rich, inspiring, and truly transformative, I felt held, loved, accepted, and deeply seen. The embodiment practices we explored led to many breakthroughs. I highly recommend working with Nina as a mentor if you’re seeking to expand your life and business.

For the woman who yearns to run a business in which her womb is the sacred channel of her creations, her spine upholds the backbone of her revolution, her heart beats with the impact she's inspired to serve in the world, her voice is the vessel for her divine expression, and her vision is set on what she's here to co-create with God


Your leadership lives in your body

It’s in how you show up for yourself first thing in the morning

It’s what you say to your reflection when you witness yourself in the mirror

It’s in how you honor your body and attune to your emotions

It’s how you hold the little girl inside of you when she brings you her fears

It’s in your posture, your presence, your energy, your expression

It’s in how you forgive yourself through your mistakes and offer grace to your growth

It’s in what you say yes to and more importantly what you say no to

It’s in staying true to who you are no matter what room you’re in

It's in anchoring your conviction over other people's opinions

It’s in the way you trust the seasons of your life and hold faith amongst uncertainty

It’s in the quiet moments when it’s just you and God breathing together

Client Testimonials


Jessica,Yoga Therapist

"Working with Nina supported me in harnessing the power of my voice, anchoring into my values, embodying my worth, and make the biggest leap of my life (leaving my job to start my biz!) and it’s just the beginning!"

Danielle, Reiki Healer

"Nina’s processes and methods are ancient, with a fresh approach. Throughout our time together I navigated major life changes and shifts with deeper grace through the emotional alchemy and nervous system attunement we explored together."

Alyssa, Jewelry Creatrix

"I will forever see my time with Nina as the moment I chose self-love and boldly asked for the support I desire. I will forever be grateful to her and the work she is doing. She is a light sent directly from Spirit.”

Your sacred investment


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