
Free Live Ceremony 

February 2nd, 2022

A free 90 minute ceremonial experience to merge the divine feminine & sacred masculine energetics in your leadership and business

The feminine is the heartbeat of this planet and the masculine is the protector of the heart's fullest expression

The energies of the feminine and masculine consciousness reside within us all

Your embodied leadership and sacred business requires the holy union of these energies

Your inner masculine provides the backbone of your business (clarity, direction, vision, commitment, discipline)

Your inner feminine provides the heartbeat of your leadership (expression, creativity, fluidity, receptivity, devotion)

The masculine is like the riverbed, providing the structure for the creativity of the feminine to flow through

Without the riverbed we have the chaos of a flood, and without the river we lack inspiration and beauty

In the holy union of the feminine and masculine we create penetration with our presence, magnetism in our essence, stability in our nervous system, devotion to our possibilities, direction for our dreams, and sustainability for our sacred business

What I often see, is female entrepreneurs swinging on one end of the pendulum or the other

When women first come to work with me they're either embodying toxic masculine energy (hustling, controlling, fixing, forcing, pressuring, rigidity) or embodying wounded feminine tendencies (spiraling in comparison, chaos, overwhelm, people pleasing, distrust, doubt)

It's in the embodiment of your empowered feminine AND masculine energies that we create FLOW and FREEDOM

Union is here to serve as the bridge between your head and your heart

To support you in nurturing and embodying the empowered expression of your divine feminine and sacred masculine

To invite you into feeling deeply held and wildly liberated in your leadership and business

To re-inspire you to feel activated, turned on, and lit up by your heart's mission

I'm celebrating your courage and devotion to Union love, see you inside the portal